
Jun 16, 2017

Where's The Budget?

     From CQ News (sorry, I don't have a link):
The White House did not include a required Social Security Administration request in President Donald Trump’s fiscal 2018 budget —and lawmakers are waiting to find out why.
The Senate Finance Committee wrote a bipartisan letter to White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney on June 1 asking for the administration to release what is called the Social Security commissioner’s “unrevised” administrative budget.
Under a 1994 law (PL 103-296) that made the Social Security Administration an independent agency, the president is required to include the commissioner’s administrative request in the full budget....
“We have not yet received an official response, but understand OMB is working on it,” a GOP aide to the Finance Committee told CQ. ...
The Finance Committee letter says the requirement for the president to make the Social Security budget request public is a “key feature of the Act that made Social Security independent.” ...
In the case of Social Security, the president’s budget is supposed to include both the Social Security’s Administration’s request to the president, and what the president is requesting from Congress....

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