
Jul 18, 2017

Conn Sentenced To 12 Years

Conn on the lam as seen on a security camera in New Mexico
     Eric Conn has been given a 12 year sentence for defrauding Social Security. Once he's caught, he'll get addition time for having fled. He's going to be an old man by the time he gets out of prison, if he gets out alive. What I hear from criminal attorneys is that he'll end up doing a lot of that time in a federal super max prison and that's a real bad place to be doing time.


  1. Why would a lowly fraudster be in a supermax fed prision? That makes no sense.

  2. Because he ran away and is now a flight risk?

  3. when you flee and they can't catch you for weeks or months, they don't want you to get away again.

    I'm surprised they haven't arrested his mom yet and locked her up. They've searched her car and home already. Maybe if they tell him that returning would get his mother out of jail, he'd turn himself in.

  4. Sure he fled, but it's not like he escaped from prison. I can understand not sending him to minimum security but Supermax may be a bit too much the other way.

  5. It's called making a point. Send a message to anyone else looking to flee, do it and instead of a dorm with a chain link fence around the grounds or a dorm with no fence around the grounds, you get to go to Supermax.

    Supposed to be a deterrent to jumping your bail.

  6. @4:06

    I recall something about unusual punishments being bad in criminal proceedings. It's on the tip of my tongue.

  7. @4:23 not to get lawyerly on you but it's "cruel and unusual punishments," not "cruel or unusual." Nevertheless, you can argue that Conn may not require Supermax but the government certainly has cause to put him in one, should they catch him. Which they will. Andy Dufresne, he is not.

  8. @5:55

    I was being facetious, but you are correct. In particular I agree that Conn's actions may require Supermax incarceration. My point was that the basis for such incarceration should be based on need, not as a deterrent.

  9. He can join all of those Wall Street bankers who defrauded the entire country-----NOT! He definitely is not looking so svelte nowadays is he?

  10. Perhaps he just had to get have that final Wal Mart Experience before heading to Burkina Faso.

  11. This may have big Hollywood movie script potential.
