
Jul 26, 2017

Some Changes Coming On Wage Reporting

     From Emergency Message EM-17021 issued yesterday:
A. Purpose
This emergency message (EM) encourages technicians to immediately begin keying the Employer Identification Number (EIN) [the EIN is the equivalent of a Social Security Number for corporations] in the Modernized Supplemental Security Income Claims System (MSSICS) and eWork when processing wages and work reports. This process is in preparation for the implementation of two provisions of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (BBA), which will reduce processing time for wage reports. 
B. BBA Background 
The BBA implemented several changes to improve efficiency in processing wage reports for Title XVI and Title II. 
Section 824 (Payroll Data Exchange) 
Grants Social Security Administration (SSA) the authority to create an information exchange with payroll data providers in order to collect wage and employment information. The information exchange allows SSA to receive wages electronically on a monthly basis for individuals who have given authorization and whose employers participate with the payroll data providers.
Section 826 (Electronic Reporting of Earnings) 
Mandates that SSA implement a system that would permit Title II Disability beneficiaries to report their earnings via electronic means similar to what is available to Title XVI recipients. To comply, SSA is developing an online application platform behind mySSA for users to report both Title II and Title XVI wages. This is a phased release. Title II will be the initial release and Title XVI will follow in a later release.

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