
Aug 5, 2017

Can Someone Translate This Into English?

     From FCW:
The Social Security Administration is moving forward with back-end tech and records systems to support the agency's long-term plan to modernize and improve customer service. 
As SSA continues to invest in its online help and customer services, the Customer Engagement Tools record system will collect and store electronic communications between SSA personnel and beneficiaries with "my Social Security" accounts. 
The database, which will be developed in-house, will also allow SSA's customer-facing systems quick access to user data. 
A Social Security spokesperson told FCW the agency anticipates the system will be ready for use in fiscal year 2018, and that 10 percent of current my Social Security account holders will be able to access the CET system in its first release.


  1. As a former insider it seems like SSA is developing a database to store and retrieve electronic versions of Form SSA-5002, Report of Contact.

  2. I'd suggest that they are trying to unify various user support systems and tie them together into a CRM (customer resource management) system based on mySocialSecurity. Guessing that the current systems are essentially all silos and therefore inhospitable to employees trying to handle customer inquiries. Using mySSA, communications from that tool would be stored in a way that it can and will be linked or accessible to other SSA support tools. Just my reading of those words.

  3. New strides have been made in SSAs push to use Clear English in all communications

  4. SSA clearly lacks a narrative archive for interaction with benefices, This appears to be another link in creating system that SSA employee can access to show prior interactions with a Bene

  5. 8:08 AM is correct.


  6. If not mistaken,on myssa it state something about click to chat in the terms and conditions.

  7. Clearly it means SSA needs more blinker fluid in its wheeled dohickey.
