
Aug 21, 2017

ODAR Workload And Performance Summary

     This was obtained from the Social Security Administration by the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR) and published in its newsletter, which is not available online.
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  1. Shouldn't Alj avail bee higher than Alj for duty? Hiring extra judges don't appear to had any impact as a matter of fact it appears to be the opposite. Atty adjusted dispos started out the year it is virtually nonexistant...It appears things move around the fiscal closeout of Oct...Nov...Dec. ..the numbers are strong then get scattered...of course a million and one reasons...I doubt the summer months when they come in will show any improvement...we all know what happens during this time of year!..This chart was very interesting. ..good post!

  2. What starts the pending clock running? Does a federal court's remand reset the clock? Is the figure the total time pending at a particular ODAR (OHO)?

  3. After a quarter where the ALJ dispositions per day had "rocketed" up to just over 2.0 sad to see a renewed drop to the latest number of 1.81 for June 2017.

    Several years ago, nearly all Judges and nearly all offices were well over 2.0. Now that is a rarity. It can't be all because the files are bigger. It really looks to me like a work slowdown possibly inspired by ALJ Union recalcitrance int eh wake of their fiasco of a law suit over production goals.


  4. THE problem at ODAR is the ALJ's. Until that is fixed the backlog will grow and grow and grow.

  5. No, the problem at ODAR is Management!
