
Aug 18, 2017

The Evil OHO

     Social Security's Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR) will soon change its name to the Office of Hearings Operations (OHO). People will pronounce OHO as Oh-Ho. However, that is the same pronunciation as the Spanish word for eye, ojo. A friend who knows a good deal about these things tells me that the Spanish word ojo also has the connotation of evil eye in Mexican and Central American culture. There are many legal immigrants in the United States from Mexico and Central America who take the concept of the evil eye seriously. We'd better not confuse them by casually referring to Oh-Ho.


  1. Good advice...although as an ignorant observer, I do find referring to SSA as the evil eye apt. Although it would be more fitting to refer to the OIG-CDI division as ojo.

  2. Finally! A real solution to all the problems. The new name is what has been needed to resolve the backlog, lack of funding, and every other problem. Why didn't somebody think of this sooner?

  3. I believe you are supposed to pronounce it oh o[h]!

  4. OHO is already in the hearing "script" forcing some ALJs to say Office of Hearing Appeals instead of the better sounding acronym, ODAR. Besides the negative cultural connotation, OHO sounds ridiculous.

  5. I'm just going to start calling it hoho.

  6. if the new name will get the {eye} ball rolling , then start rolling your eye or eyes or ojos...Lan
