
Sep 30, 2017

Social Security Disability Critic Appointed By Trump

     Richard Burkhauser has been appointed to the President's Council of Economic Advisers (CEO). I mention this because Burkhauser  has been a proponent of outlandish ideas for "reforming" Social Security disability benefits, such as forcing employers to pay disability benefits for the first two years and experience rating employers for the disability experience of their workers. These ideas would have devastating effects upon manufacturing,  construction, mining and other fields where there is a high incidence of disability. We need to help U.S. manufacturing, not place unnecessary burdens on it.
     I would not expect Burkhauser's appointment to have any effect upon Social Security. The ideas he has espoused in the past are complete non-starters with both Republicans and Democrats. Even if he had a plan that could conceivably be enacted, the CEO doesn't give him much of a platform for pushing his views on Social Security. It's not likely that the White House chief of staff would want him even trying.

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