
Sep 28, 2017

Keep Your Fingers Crossed

     Social Security has been working on the Disability Case Processing System (DPCS) for some time now. It's a major project to develop a common computer system for disability determination at least at the initial and reconsideration levels. They're already spent $64.8 million on the project. Social Security's Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued a report on the progress of the DCPS project. So far, Social Security has only been able to process 1,665 cases using the system. They report that the staff members who have used DCPS seems happy with it. The agency plans plan a widespread rollout by January 2018 and a complete rollout by April 2018.


  1. translation...2022

  2. "They report that the staff members who have used DCPS seems happy with it."

    Translation -- management weenies and yes-men/women who don't actually take claims for a living within SSA's current systems environment.

    Judging by recent projects, such as the SSI MSSICS web-based screens or the representative payee system redesign, it'll take 3-5 times as long to do the same things that the prior systems did and for every problem it fixes in the old systems it will introduce 5 more that will take many, many, many, many... years to resolve (if they ever are).
