
Oct 13, 2017


     The Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security for 2017 is 2%. This applies to benefits beginning December 2017. Payments for that month will be made in January 2018. Below is the entire list of 2018 adjustments announced at this time (you can click on it to view it full size:


  1. Many years ago, Legislators attempted to to live on welfare benefits for one week. They and there families did not like it at all for obvious reasons. I think that the D.C. legislators ought to try and do the same thing, is try and live on the meager SSA benefits. This after all are what most people have for their livelihood. Many had to go through their savings and pensions to survive while waiting for their earned SSA benefits. That in of itself is just disgusting, putting people who worked most of their lives into abject poverty while those in D.C. who makes the rules of law live like kings with their legislative salaries and the ability to make more money with lobbyists and then become lobbyists. This is putrid at best.

  2. What “earned SSA benefits” are you talking about? SSI is not an earned benefit in any sense of the word, and OASDI and SSI both require proof of disability, which takes time to suss out. Do you propose awarding benefits immediately to anyone who applies?

  3. Unfortunately, the COLA is tied to the wrong index. For aging and disabled, the COLA should include food, medical costs, rent and other basic living costs. But I know that will never happen.
