
Nov 3, 2017

Nine Months For Throwing Rock Through Window

     From the New Orleans Times-Picayune:
A Metairie man was sentenced Wednesday (Nov. 1) to nine months in prison for hurling a "medium to large sized rock" through a second-floor window of the U.S. Social Security Administration's office in Kenner, according to federal court documents.
Bobby Joseph Hammond, 38, was also ordered to pay $1,330 in restitution after he previously pleaded guilty to felony destruction of government property for throwing the rock. ...
In an interview with federal investigators, Hammond's mother said her son has mental illness and refuses to take his prescribed medication. ...
In a separate item, the affidavit shows that Hammond's mother told investigators she used to be the payee for her son's Social Security checks, but he had asked her to remove herself, which stopped the checks from being deposited into her bank account. 
After Hammond's checks were no longer deposited into her bank account, Hammond grew angry "because he did not have access to his money," according to his mother's statements. ...


  1. Sounds like he needs treatment, not prison.

  2. Agreed. Hopefully he will be incarcerated in a medical unit where he will get treatment. He should be in a federal facility.

  3. Finally a stiff sentence, although the penalty seems a bit harsh. Tired of seeing fraudsters get 6 months and order to repay $300,000 that they spent and will never have again.

    1. He does not sound like a fraudster....He sounds like he needs someone other than his mother to help him control his mental issues

  4. No longer eligible for benefits, but not homeless, three hots and a cot, basic medical treatment. Broke even.

  5. 9 months seems excessive for a broken window. Agreed with paying restitution. This person does not need prison but some treatment.
