
Nov 5, 2017

Social Security Employee Convicted Of Fraud

     From some radio or television station in Indiana that likes to call itself "ABC57":
A South Bend woman who worked for the Social Security Administration was convicted in federal court of ten counts of making false entries in government records, two counts of conversion of government money, and one count of wire fraud.
Sharon Ramos, 56, was convicted after a four day jury trial.
Between January 2008 and December 2013, Ramos made false and fictitious representations on Supplemental Security Income accounts of numerous claimants. The improper entries resulted in numerous claimants receiving payments they were not entitled to receive, according to the US Attorney's Office. ... 


  1. Did she steal for herself or for those on SSI or for both? A social justice warrior who went bad, or am I just repeating myself?

    1. Depends on who she was hooking up....her friends...people who really needed it...just women...etc....If she was fair and across the board....I say good!

  2. Kind of seems unprecedented that they are not claiming this was done for personal gain. Any idea when/where more details or the entire ruling will be released?

  3. It's time the agency require a full background check including drug testing employees.

    It's unthinkable that there are 60,000 employees that have this much access to PII and have so few standards when it comes to integrity.

    For crying out loud, even Home Depot drug tests!

  4. I never understood the lack of drug testing. People scream that they want food stamp recipients to be drug tested, but SSA employees go free and use drug use against a Claimant.

  5. The anti-government employee trolls are out again. If @9:20 had a clue, they would know there is an extensive background check on all SSA employees. Also, this particular story has nothing to do with drugs. Maybe they aren't actually anti-government employee after all, but rather bots/shills for a toxicology lab eyeing a big gov't contract??
