
Nov 16, 2017

Social Security Will Be Affected By Republican Tax Bill

     The tax bill that Republicans hope to pass would potentially have effects upon Social Security. It would trigger budget rules that would demand significant cuts in Social Security and Medicare. Congress would still have to pass those cuts but they would have held a gun to their heads to force themselves to do so. However, the bill would end a tax loophole that has allowed many professionals to avoid the FICA tax that supports Social Security by using pass-through corporations.


  1. The budget rules you're referring to would trigger cuts to Medicare..not Social Security.

  2. Cutting money from a program that provides healthcare for the elderly and disabled to pay for tax cuts for multi-millionaires and billionaires - for Republicans it does not get much better then that!

    I cannot believe I used to vote for Republicans! Never again!!

  3. What do the Repubs think will happen when the many millions of Medicare beneficiaries find out that they are trying to cut their Medicare? I can understand that a lot of Republican congresspersons suck at the teat of special interests that want to cut government. However, congresspersons who enrage a large block of their constituency soon become ex-congresspersons. Throw your constituents under the bus in such an obvious way, and you will soon follow. It will interesting to watch this political train wreck if it passes.

  4. @ 5:56, look who is in the White House, America is fat lazy stupid and scared. They will vote for a child molester before the other side. As long as you phrase is so they think somebody else is getting screwed they will vote for a rotting head of cabbage.
