
Jan 22, 2018

Shutdown Ends

     The Senate has voted for a new continuing resolution that will reopen the government. I think the bill might have to go back to the House of Representatives for further action and to the President for a signature but those would be formalities. This shutdown is all but over.


  1. "There is only one redeeming thing about this whole [shut-down]. It will be over at sundown, and let everybody pray that it's not a tie, for we couldn't go through with this thing again. And, when the votes are counted, let everybody, including the candidates, get into a good humor as quick as they got into a bad one. Both gangs have been bad sports, so see if at least one can't redeem themselves by offering no alibis, but cooperate with the winner, for no matter which one it is the poor fellow is going to need it. So cheer up. Let's all be friends again. One of the evils of democracy is you have to put up with the man you elect whether you want him or not. That's why we call it democracy." Will Rogers DT #1953, Nov. 7, 1932

    "This country has gotten where it is in spite of politics, not by the aid of it. That we have carried as much political bunk as we have and still survived shows we are a super nation." DT #1948, Nov. 1, 1932

    Bob Hope said that the reason we needed two political parties was that one party was just not big enough to fool all of the people all of the time.

  2. Democrats need to realize the danger and ultimate futility of a shutdown--even one largely engineered by the republicans. This is out of the Bannon playbook. They want dems to appear to place more importance on illegal immigrants than citizens particularly military. That's how they will continue to frame this and try to push the dems into a corner. With no majority anywhere what the democrats can accomplish before midterms is limited. Time for jujitsu and give Trump and company all the rope they can take. Let the dog catch the car. Do they really want to deport 800,000 dreamers that have been here almost all their lives? Let Trump send out his secret police at three am and knock down the doors and lets get the party started. Let him destroy the republican party for a generation.

  3. It was horrible, the riots in the streets, the chaos in the markets, the end times indeed. Glad that's over.
