
Jan 11, 2018

Tales Of Life On The Lam

     From the Lexington Herald-Leader:
To the saga of Eric C. Conn’s journey from wealthy Eastern Kentucky attorney to fugitive felon captured at a Pizza Hut in Central America, add this nugget:
Conn says he used a puppy to cross the border from Mexico into Guatemala, thinking it would help him get past security officers....
In his first communication with the media since being captured, Conn, 57, sent the Herald-Leader a 42-page, two-part handwritten letter with his account of why he decided to flee sentencing ...
Conn, who is in solitary confinement in the Grayson County jail while awaiting trial on escape and other charges, also called the newspaper from jail.
It’s a tale worthy of Conn’s larger-than-life persona, including how he pretended to be engaged to a woman so authorities wouldn’t check his identification while on a bus, and how he says police in Honduras, where he was captured Dec. 2, offered to let him go in return for a bribe he couldn’t cover.
Conn said having to look over his shoulder while a fugitive was miserable.
“Honestly, honestly, it was horrible,” he said. “I never got one true minute of relaxation.” ...
In his letter, Conn called his decision to abscond foolhardy, but he said he did it after becoming terrified of the prospect of being raped in prison. ...
Conn said he started reading about sexual abuse in prisons and became so fearful that one night, he “began to shake all over like a man on the verge of frostbite.” ...
     If you read this account, it's obvious that Conn had essentially no plan for what he would do after he crossed the border into Mexico. It's a wonder he got as far as he did.

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  1. money solves lots of problems, and it sounds like he kept moving forward and could have continued to do so until the money ran out.

  2. What amazes me is this crazy little asshole steals and gets busted and the whole social security system has paid a high price for his actions including very sick and vulnerable people who have had the right wing fraud flashlight shined in their eyes. By contrast Wall Street and big finance produces these sociopathic little jerks and only a few ever get busted for their sins and most of them get bigger paychecks, bigger bonuses and get to run the government at the very top ie Goldman-Sachs. They literally get to regulate themselves to their enormous advantage. We are in the wrong profession.

  3. Wonder if he will get a pardon and a cabinet post? Maybe one of those Fed Judge positions!!

  4. Hard to believe anything from this Conn artist. Sounds a lot like the President Orange One talks and acts. He acts before he thinks. Whatever impulse comes into his brain he does. He went from 12 years to now what?

    It's like a line from the movie Office Space - "Now I'm going to Federal pound me in the a$$ prison." Good luck with that Conn artist.

  5. I doubt he will get pardoned anytime soon but who knows. One bad thing about all this is that he makes things hard for other representatives.
    I am still disturbed about how the office manager and two Chief ALJ's were complicit in all this stuff and were so cruel to Sarah and Jennifer at that ODAR. I'm not aware that anyone else was getting paid a bribe.
    However, he's clever enough that he may claim some terrible illness where he will wind up in a hospital room instead of a prison cell.
