
Jan 27, 2018

Why The Delay?

     The Social Security Administration submitted proposed changes to its musculoskeletal listings to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which is part of the White House, on August 25, 2017. OMB approval is required before the proposal can be published in the Federal Register for public comments. The proposal is still pending at OMB. By the standards of past administrations, this is a very long time for a proposed regulation to sit at OMB. I have no idea what the delay means, if anything. Anyway, it's not like I'm eager for the proposal to be published. I doubt that I'll like it.


  1. I'm sure the new listings will make it more difficult to get on. They be over complicated and favor denials.

  2. The new neurological listings are far easier to meet than were the previous ones. You might be surprised. Maybe that is the reason for the delay
