
Mar 3, 2018

How I Stay Sane -- Countdown To 2018 Congressional Elections


  1. Don't forget Hillary had 2016 in the bag. Still time for dark money and dirty tricks to have impact. American people had better wake up or there will be no social security, medicare, Medicaid, food aid, unemployment, public schools, or any work protections while they continue to concern themselves with issues that don't feed, doctor or educate their families. In key red, purple and swing states get ready for dirty politics like we haven't seen in years and probably continuing Putin involvement to boot. Putin loves to see us divided and eating our own like this.

  2. Are you going to hold your breath during this countdown? That will achieve certain victory!

  3. Putin’s goal is to do to America what happened to his former country, the Soviet Union in 1991. He wants to see the dissolution of the USA. He’s not interested in actual war with us folks, he wants the shame of the fall of the USSR erased. To that end he’s infected our elections, used our own internal fights against us—the social web has been a wonderful tool to that end. And last but not least he got an imbalanced self-centered mega maniac put in the whitehouse to be his pawn.

    America is now fracturing at the seams and everybody hates everybody-and folks have closed themselves off to their own version of reality via planet foxnews or planet cnn/msnbc, or are just staying oblivious watching reality tv.

    With these chess pieces in place I’m just afraid to see what will be the big move for checkmate. It won’t be as if trump will care because he’d get to be prez fr life in some new bizarro post-USA world under the benevolent guidance of Putin, of course. And I’m sure white nationalists and the like will be more than fine to see it happen cause they’d prefer to watch it all come down before they’d truly and equitably share this current Union with people of color.

    it all just seems like a chapter from a future history book that hasn’t been published, but the manuscript is well underway. Will we all wise up and save ourselves, not sure.

    Fun times ahead, buckle up.

  4. @11:54 shame on you

  5. If tariffs and tax reforms do not produce large quanity of jobs then democrats will gain alot more political power.

  6. I have better things to look forward to than another crop of corrupt power mongers battling for a seat at the table while we sit and wait for scraps to fall from the table.
