
Mar 16, 2018

When Will The Budget Drama End?

     The federal government is operating on a Continuing Resolution (CR) that funds government operations only through next Friday, March 23. Unless something is passed before then the entire federal government, including Social Security, will shut down. 
     Congress is working on an omnibus funding bill to fund all of the federal government through the rest of the fiscal year. In more normal times, this is done with a series of bills covering different parts of the federal government. 
     There are still disagreements over the omnibus and some predictions that another short CR will be needed. 
     The current draft or drafts of this bill have not been released to the public. There's no definite sign that Social Security's appropriation is in dispute but we can't be sure. 
     The AARP has just sent a letter to Congressional leaders asking for higher administrative funding so they must think something is still up in the air.

1 comment:

  1. By more normal times are you referring to the several post depression decades when the old time democratic party had a lock on congress and defended social security tooth and nail?
