
May 17, 2018

An Actress In California?

     From the Dothan Eagle (emphasis added):
An Alabama woman who lied to employees at Dothan’s Social Security office in order to obtain fraudulent benefits for her son was sentenced along with her husband to federal prison recently. ...
According to court testimony, Nakia Palmer falsely informed Social Security employees in Dothan that she was an actress living in California and had left her minor son in her husband’s exclusive custody so that Social Security would not consider her income in determining whether her son was eligible for benefits. Nakia Palmer, however, was not an actress living in California, but an employee of the Social Security office in Montgomery. Prosecutors contend the Palmers did not use the fraudulently obtained benefits to support the minor son, but used the money to finance a new vehicle. ...

1 comment:

  1. "Nakia Palmer, however, was not an actress living in California, but an employee of the Social Security office"

    She's an SSA employee, and she thought she could convince them she's an actress in CA? Either this woman is really, really dumb, or SSA employees at the Alabama office are so incompetent she thought she could get away with this.
    Since it was Alabama, I'm guessing both.
