
May 14, 2018

Hearing Scheduled On Future Of Social Security Number

     From a press release:
House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson (R-TX) announced today that the Subcommittee will hold a hearing entitled “Securing Americans’ Identities: The Future of the Social Security Number.” The hearing will focus on the dangers of the use of the Social Security number (SSN) as both an identifier and authenticator and examine policy considerations and possible solutions to mitigate the consequences of SSN loss or theft. The hearing will take place on Thursday, May 17, 2018 in 1100 Longworth House Office Building, beginning at 10:00 AM. ...


  1. SSNs should only be used for SSA purposes. Congress should forbid other entities from collecting, possessing or using SSNs unless it is for the purpose to directly assist or interact with SSA (such as employers submitting wage info).

    Other businesses will just have to figure out another way to keep track of their customers.

    Other countries have eliminated SSNs completely they issue ID numbers that expire after a few years. Once the number expires, a new number is issued. If a number is compromised, then it can be cancelled and replaced. I suspect (and expect) that SSA will eventually move to a similar system.

  2. Please provide your National Identity that can get stolen, and will be connected to your SSN anyway. It is a brave new world, noting is secure, nothing is private and nothing is going to change when you have a congress full of professional politicians that cant program the clock on their VCRs. Vote against anyone over the age of 50 if you want to see change.

  3. 2:20

    They probably still have VCRs.

    Love it!
