
Jun 22, 2018

Delays In South Jersey

     The South Jersey Times isn't happy with the lengthy delays in processing Social Security disability claims:
Between the poles of allowing fraudulent Social Security disability applications to proceed unfettered, and holding up benefits from the deserving during an excruciatingly long process, there must be a "sweet spot" for regional Social Security Administration offices.
Whatever is going on, the South Jersey office is not hitting that sweet spot. ...
Average waits for a decision there are, stunningly, the third longest among the nation's 168 offices. ...
So why isn't this being treated by Congress or the public as a scandal ... ? ... [T]here's that little twinge of concern within most of us that injured, working-age non-veterans who ask for government benefit checks might really be trying to pull one over on Uncle Sam.
It happens, of course. We love watching videos of "injured" middle-aged guys who say they can't work, working the dance floor or shooting hoops in the driveway.
The Supplemental Security Income/disability process, which can result in multiple denials until someone finally the hires "right" lawyer, creates even more suspicion. For years, SSI payments were derisively known in some down-and-out areas as "crazy checks," obtained -- not always honestly -- by citing psychological disorders.
Large-scale commercial fraud, like the $550 million conviction of a Kentucky country lawyer and a plea from his administrative law-judge accomplice, requires monitoring of waves of unusually easy benefit approvals from the same jurisdiction. But how hard is it to separate these odd patterns from individual cases with no apparent irregularities? ...

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