
Jul 9, 2018

Still True


  1. Actually it is somebody else's money and not you the worker. The money you the worker puts in is spent before you get it. You get your payments from the work of others. For a better description please see Ponzi Scheme.

    1. For a better description see what is the only thing keeping down a revolution of the have nots. For a better description of that see French Revolution.

  2. A 10:59am Not True! For a better description, please see how insurance works. When you buy car insurance, and then have a wreck, you don't get back the actual dollars of your premium -- but you are paid according to the terms of the contract. Social Security is a contract between workers and the Social Security Administration.

  3. 10:59 AM. We are all aware of the way SS works. Those of us who spent 2 minutes looking at it, that is. The real issue is the way SSA currently treats SSDI, which currently resembles the way private insurance companies paid by states to administer Medicaid has worked: deny anything you think you can justify or get away with; deny others that you KNOW you will eventually have to pay; make things as difficult as possible in order to muck things up, etc. In other words: Deny, Delay, Discourage.

  4. @10:59

    For an even better description, please see Special Issue Treasury Bonds.

  5. The image says American Workers’ money, not American Worker’s money. I don’t believe anyone had argued here that the individual was getting their money back.

  6. Social security is a big joke. I'm pissed and am just married to someone who was denied after 3 years.

    I can imagine what it's like being a claimant rep doing work for years and seeing ZERO dollars.


  7. Here, hold my beer while I mess with this social contract. Wait, was that my approval rating that I just saw plummeting off that cliff?
