
Aug 16, 2018

Anybody Want A Big Abe Lincoln Statue?

     From WKYT:
They’ve become somewhat synonymous with Eric Conn. Some of the eye-catching billboards and large statues outside of the attorney’s former office are now looking for a new home.
Conn’s is a story that’s been ongoing for years , complete with some surprising twists and turns. Months ago, Conn admitted to defrauding the social security administration out of millions of dollars. ...
A new court order entered yesterday now allows for the sale of those assets, including the property where his once booming law compound sits. The property plays home to a giant Abraham Lincoln statue, a now toppled Statue of Liberty replica and a few Conn look-alike mannequins that once topped billboards. ...


  1. The Better Call Saul opening credits, the ruins of a legal career. Eric Conn must be managing a Cinnabon in federal prison in Omaha.

  2. Who gave him his supposed "Board Certification" ?

  3. Board certified? Now that’s funny!
