
Sep 9, 2018

SSI Income Deeming Problems

     From a recent study by Social Security’s Office of Inspector General:
From a sample of 100 recipients we reviewed who had manually deemed income, SSA [Social Security Administration] did not correctly compute SSI [Supplemental Security Income] payments for 46. This occurred because SSA did not correctly develop all income information when the deemors reported it or it became available from other sources if the deemors did not report it timely, did not consider the correct family members in the household, or made various other errors. Further, SSA’s policy did not require that a second employee review manually deemed computations. 
SSA improperly paid the 46 recipients $136,569. Specifically, SSA overpaid 12 recipients $33,375, underpaid 9 recipients $7,734, and both over- and underpaid 25 recipients $95,460. Accordingly, we project SSA improperly paid approximately $105 million in SSI payments to 35,200 SSI recipients with manually deemed income.


  1. Well they got it right over half the time.

    1. So did the voting public, but Trump still became President.
