
Oct 19, 2018

All Part Of The Plan

     From Paul Krugman’s column in the New York Times:
When the Trump tax cut was on the verge of being enacted, I called it “the biggest tax scam in history,” and made a prediction: deficits would soar, and when they did, Republicans would once again pretend to care about debt and demand cuts in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. 
Sure enough, the deficit is soaring. And this week Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, after declaring the surge in red ink “very disturbing,” called for, you guessed it, cuts in “Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid.” He also suggested that Republicans might repeal the Affordable Care Act — taking away health care from tens of millions — if they do well in the midterm elections. 
Any political analyst who didn’t see this coming should find a different profession. After all, “starve the beast” — cut taxes on the rich, then use the resulting deficits as an excuse to hack away at the safety net — has been G.O.P. strategy for decades. ...


  1. If the GOP loses the house they won't be doing much of anything except confirming nominations and running interference on all the investigations of Trump. Lets hope that is the case.

  2. Tax revenues are on pace to be higher in 2018 than 2017. But Krugman has never let a fact get in the way of the story he wants to tell.

  3. Mitch McConnell has a plan
    Implemented with hammy hands
    Enormous tax cuts for the rich
    To swell our budget deficit

    And when the bill comes due
    What’s poor Mitch to do?
    But to fill the hole he made
    With the funds that workers paid

    For Medicare and Social Security
    Mitch will make them casualties
    And if it works I will say
    Congratulations, Mitch, for a scam well played

  4. @5:27
    Revenues on pace to be higher in 2018 than 2017? Where on earth did you hear that?

  5. The tax revenue comment (utterly wrong) was a Russian bot, I bet.
