
Nov 6, 2018

Social Security Disability Claims, Awards And Number In Current Payment StatusFrom


  1. Good economy = not disabled. Bad economy = disabled.

  2. @9:14 There is some truth to that, and it is also why rural areas are more disabled than urban and suburban areas. Disability doesn't support much of a lifestyle but if disability benefits are close to what you can earn, you pick disability. If you can earn more than disability benefits pay you come home and do very little and hope the prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, heating pad or hot shower will let you get up and do it again tomorrow.

  3. @9:14

    Good economy = employers provide workplace accommodations which permit medically disabled individuals to continue to work.

    Bad economy = employers cut costs where they can.

  4. Aging population; aged out and on to retirement benefits

  5. While the economy plays some role for sure it is demographics which is the driver. The Baby boomers have been in their disability prone years lately. This increase and subsequent leveling off was predicted by the SS actuaries back in the 1980's and 1990's and they were spot on.

  6. We are still retiring 10000 Boomers a day and will for a decade more to come. New excuse needed.

  7. @9:41 "Disability doesn't support much of a lifestyle but if disability benefits are close to what you can earn, you pick disability." People don't "pick" disability over working like picking what cereal to buy. Not when the wait will be up to two years before any money comes in. Disability is the last option, and is rarely a choice.

  8. @1:23 Yes. People do "pick" disability. Obviously many people have conditions that make working impossible no one with sense denies that but there are THOUSANDS of people, especially over age 50 who have conditions that give them a very good chance of being found disabled who choose to not be disabled.

    When the local factory here closed during the recession, nearly anyone who had worked there 15 or more years had respiratory issues from the chemicals in use and had back or joint problems from heavy lifting and constant standing on concrete. Not one of them was disabled the day before the layoffs because they were working well above SGA. Nearly all who were over 50 were disabled the day after the layoff.

    People do NOT easily give up good wages for what disability benefit is available. Nor do they give up employer sponsored health insurance or retirement plans.

    When you live in rural Louisiana and the choices available to you are work your tail off for $18 an hour plus benefits and come home and swallow a couple of aspirin and Tylenol, put your feet up and turn on the heating pad to make it to get up the next morning or disability, you find a way to not go on disability. When your choice is tacking another 10 minutes of highway driving in a gas guzzling pick-up to make $10 an hour with no benefits, you fill out the paperwork to apply for disability.

    That is reality.

  9. And that reality is not what the program was designed for.

  10. I'm having very disabled clients turned down twice and finally winning at hearing after years. You fing starve to get disability--many after crawling thru glass die before there hearing. Why don't you go after some Wall Street and corporate welfare for a change. The relentless assaults on safety nets and decent employment have caused the political crisis in this country. Just keep pouring fuel on the fire you have started.
