
Dec 21, 2018

No Government Shutdown For Social Security

     In case you were wondering, the "government shutdown" that the President is threatening in order to get his wall is only a partial shutdown. Most of the government, including the Social Security Administration, is not affected because the appropriations bills covering those agencies have already been passed by Congress and signed by the President. This is one of the many facts that contribute to the President's weak position. There's also the facts that most voters don't want the wall, Republican members of Congress are, at best, lukewarm on the wall, and Democrats will control the House of Representatives in less than two weeks. Also, the President is generally quite unpopular and even Republican members of Congress are dismayed by many of the President's recent actions, such as the withdrawal from Syria. I suppose it won't dawn on it until he hears it from Fox and Friends or Vladimir Putin but Trump has little leverage on anything that involves Congress apart from judicial appointments.


  1. Charles, when did you leave behind Social Security law for CNN?

  2. It's a shame how off-the-rails biased you have become.

  3. "They may hate you now but they will love you later because you're telling them the truth." Mary J Blige. Thanks for your comments. .

  4. If you two negative commenters can actually rebut anything he said, then have at it, rather than limply crying "fake news!". I suspect you'll find it quite, quite difficult.

  5. All the govt employees who secure the border, have to work without pay here at Christmas. Add to that his refusal to give all fed employees a raise ... that in itself is criminal.

  6. Stick to SSA news. That’s why we read your blog. Not for your political takes.

  7. Looks like the Trumpers on this blog are getting a little touchy. I'm afraid that it will only worsen after the new congress takes over. Let's hope that truth will replace spin. I, for one, appreciate your politics and hope that your politics transfers into the way that you run your business. The claimants that you represent deserve nothing less. Rock on, Charles!

  8. Speak for yourself 12:27. If you don't like what you see posted, don't stop by.

  9. Government shut-down, gov’t functioning IS Social Security Law.

  10. While this thread is somewhat off the rails, I am becoming more and more concerned about Donnie's military authoritarian fixation--as all Americans should be. Governing civilians attaching political views to the military during the Viet Nam "conflict" was one of the reasons we were heckled and spat upon. Donnie has wanted to waste taxpayer money on a big show parade for his own grandeur. He wanted to gin up an imaginary security risk by claiming that the indigent refugees were going to invade at the Mexican border and wasted taxpayer money to unnecessarily transport troops to the border. Now his latest fascist scheme is to use troops to build his wall. Those of us who served after My Lai were taught the difference between illegal and legal military actions. This ambitious authoritarian needs to be taught the difference between proper use of the military vs. abuse of the military by fascist dictators.

  11. Many sources, including government-related, link to this blog. Government employees are governed by the Hatch Act. By mixing politics with business, government employees cannot link to this blog. Why turn a great SSA blog, of which there are few, into a political blog of which there are many.

    On SSA matters, the author is an expert.

    On politics, he’s just another asshole with an opinion.

  12. Social Security and the issues surrounding it are inherently political, no matter what the views of the "STICK TO SPORTS" commenters above.

    Folks, you're also easier to ignore because we know you're not really telling Charles to avoid politics. You just don't want to hear opinions on politics that you don't agree with.

  13. Charles’ political viewpoint is what I would inherently expect from an advocate for SSA claimants. Put me in the “bravo” camp. Good to judiciously attack and do so not too often though.

  14. This is not biased politics. It's just stating facts. Biased would be saying he is on an adderall binge going deeper into a spiral of insanity brought on by the fact that he has always lived a life separated from any kind of moral basis and it is untenable in the human psyche.
