
Mar 26, 2019

Dreadful Public Service To Get Worse

     Below is a page from Social Security's materials on the fiscal year 2020 budget proposed by the Trump Administration. Click on the image to view full size. There are other things to notice but note in particular that the budget anticipates the average speed of answer on the agency's 800 number to go up from 13 minutes to 15 minutes and the average busy rate to go up from 9% to 12%. On what planet is that acceptable service?


  1. Have you ever called the credit card company to check on a fraudulent charge, or a cable provider for information, or IRS, or about any utility company?

  2. well let's all race to the bottom then

  3. If the backlog continues to plummet, maybe they'll reassign ALJs to man the phones. Of course, they'd have to become more knowledgeable about SSA law and practices to competently do so.

  4. as opposed to all those wrong answers given out by the 1800 and DO

  5. Why should all of these leaches, leaching on the government be entitled to any kind of service? Clearly, they don't deserve any! Society's winners should get the service. If you aren't at least a millionaire in this country then up yours! You have had every chance to join the winners and you haven't taken it! Top service and attention starts with at least nine zeros after your name and goes down to nothing. If you don't like it move to Finland or Norway or just stop whining! At least I think the new Commish gets it. Maybe he can move this toward permanent shutdown!

  6. I suspect that when this statistic was proposed by staff, it wasn't intended as a positive but something that would be seen as a sign of going the wrong way. And that there would be pushback that one could argue against regarding funding and staff. Instead it seems it was deemed OK. Which is an extraordinary situation. And indeed a sign that the GOP is content to erode public confidence in the program in order to destroy it.
