
Apr 5, 2019

Nuggets From NADE Newsletter

     The National Association of Disability Examiners (NADE), an organization for personnel who make initial and reconsideration determinations for Social Security, has posted its Spring 2019 newsletter. Here's a nugget from a summary of a meeting with Jim Julian, Social Security's Deputy Associate Commissioner for the Office of Disability Policy:
... Disability Modernization: This is an initiative to update our vocational regulations to reflect changes in medical and vocational practice, technology, and the work force.
SSA [Social Security Administration] is in the early stages of studying cases to learn the impact of potential Vocational Rules Modernization (VRM) policy updates.
The agency will use this information to develop and publish a notice of proposed rulemaking.  ...
     And here's a nugget from a write-up of a  meeting with Grace Kim, Acting Deputy Commissioner of Operations and John Owen, Associate Commissioner for the Office of Disability Determinations: 
A tool being developed for disability adjudicators in the DDS [Disability Determination Services] and currently being piloted in the Iowa DDS is the IMAGEN (Intelligent Medical-Language Analysis GENeration) tool. IMAGINE is a tool to visualize, alert, summarize, search and more easily identify relevant clinical content in medical records. IMAGEN provides decisional guidance and enables disability adjudicators to leverage various machine learning technologies and predictive analytics to support data driven decisions.This program will eventually incorporate other Artificial Intelligence (AI) functions and have the ability to learn new information, adapt and evolve.


  1. Hmmmm, AI and SSA... what could POSSIBLY go wrong?

  2. If you are currently an ALJ or decision writer, you better start looking for a new gig.

  3. If the agency gets rid of the GRIDs, we will see judges below 25% approval drop to 0-5% approval. In my experience, the only way these judges grant a case is if someone grids based on DDS's RFC.

  4. 8:48 - if that were true, why would ALJs have been the only SSA employees excluded from the recent early-out retirement offer?
