
Jun 10, 2019

Medicare Screwup At SSA Affects 250,000 People

     From National Public Radio:
A quarter of a million Medicare beneficiaries may be receiving bills for as many as five months of premiums they thought they had already paid.  ...
Because of what the Social Security Administration calls "a processing error" in January, it did not deduct premiums from some seniors' Social Security checks and it didn't pay the insurance plans, according to the agency's "frequently asked questions" page on its website.
The problem applies to private drug policies and Medicare Advantage plans that provide both medical and drug coverage and that substitute for traditional government-run Medicare.
Some people will discover they must find the money to pay the plans. Others may find their plans canceled. Medicare officials say approximately 250,000 people are affected. ...


  1. 44 million on Medicare, this problem for 250000 people, about .568% which would be an acceptable error rate in most every service connected industry.

    The important thing is are they going to waive the penalties and allow a SEP for these people to re-enroll.

  2. I lost a wheelchair permanently a while back due to an error just like this. even when Medicare admitted it was their error, they refused to fix it so I could get another wheelchair...

  3. 8:46 AM. It is amazing to me how tolerant government employees and their advocates are of "acceptable error." Do you not understand how tone deaf you are? If they gave you $115 dollars instead of $1150 for your paycheck, would you consider that an "acceptable error?"

  4. @8:46 Your example is a 90% error rate, which is totally unacceptable and not realistic. There error rate in question is .568%. For your example, that would be $6.53 from a $1150 paycheck. Yes, I would expect that to get corrected, just as I expect the correction for these 250,000 individuals.

  5. Tim you are expecting perfection, it isn't going to happen, so yes that is an acceptable. What do you expect for MILLIONS of transactions? Do you know how entitled and uniformed you sound?

    @10:45 did you contact your local SHIP for assistance and use the Medicare Ombudsman?
