
Jun 20, 2019

SSA Makes Top Ten List

     The Social Security Administration has made a top ten list — the top ten of agencies with critical federal agency legacy information technology systems in need of modernization, according to the Government Accountability Office (OMB).


  1. Agency systems have been on lists of critical IT systems for 20 years. The arguments over COBOL span decades. What's of interest is the progress that actually has been made given how even standing still means going backwards given the rate of technology change.

  2. They gave us an upgrade in the SSI system, MSSICS. Now web based.

    Turns out to be less functional and has more systems limitations than the old system. Lots more requirements to terminate old records and start fresh, as if SSI records are uncomplicated. Ha! Perhaps when they upgrade the upgrade some of these limitations will go away. Won't hold my breath.

    Also drives me crazy that the existing programs have no continuity in design. Even something as simple as entering an SSN varies from program to program. No consistency between software designers.

    Forms programs do not have all the forms listed in POMS. The program that creates the bar codes to add evidence to the electronic file does not include all the different types of evidence required by POMS so often items are lumped in the general category of "other" so when you search the evidence, you have to open up all the "other" files to hopefully find what you are looking for.

