
Jul 6, 2019

The Saga Of Eric Conn’s Files

     Ned Pillersdorf has written a piece for the Lexington Herald-Leader on The Saga of Eric Conn’s Files, And How His Clients Got Shafted. The inaction of the Kentucky Bar Association is inexcusable.


  1. Agreed. Absolutely inexcusable by the KBA.

    But I think Mr. Pillersdorf would nominate himself for a Nobel Prize, if he could.

  2. 1:07 PM. That's your take on this shameful behavior of a government agency? The same agency that ignored complaints for years? The same agency that has downplayed its role while blaming the claimants for hiring Conn? The same agency that wants to blame only Conn, when it would have been impossible if their employee (Daugherty) had not initiated the scheme!

  3. The article makes it sound as if without the attorney's records there is no evidence when in fact any records that resulted in an allowance would be in the person's electronic or paper file and can be reviewed when the person goes into the office or accesses it otherwise. In the cases where the prior file was lost or destroyed there would be no evidence that any fraud was involved either so that would also not be disadvantageous.

  4. Tim, don't get me wrong. The SSA is the primary cause of all of this. Conn shouldn't have agreed to the scheme, but nearly no one blames Daugherty, who INITIATED the whole damn thing. Not to mention that he was a federal judge and should have been held to a higher standard.

    All that said, Ned Pillersdorf is still one of the most self-righteous people I have ever beheld.

  5. 4:24 pointing to the nose on the face.

  6. Is this where we are supposed to rant and be outraged? Beating this dead horse again, like a Rocky movie it just keeps coming back.

  7. 4:24 Did you not read that Conn had evidence, including favorable evidence, which he did not submit to the files, because "the fix was in"?
    As for all those snide comments about Pillersdorf, how many of you have worked long hours for months to try to correct the injustices being imposed by SSA bureaucrats? SSA's actions are unconscionable and illegal.
