
Aug 9, 2019

Jumpy In Lubbock

      From KCBD:
Officials with the Lubbock Police Department say a huge misunderstanding caused the evacuation of the Social Security office in Lubbock today.
According to police, a person parked a vehicle in the employee parking lot of the building and ran off quickly. The call came in just after 11:30 a.m.
Homeland Security officers told KCBD the vehicle had out-of-state plates and it concerned an employee when the person ran off.
Officers responded and brought in a K-9 dog used to detect explosives.
During the investigation, they learned a person was late for a job interview. The person parked quickly and ran to their interview.
The building was evacuated for about an hour.


  1. The new reality.

  2. Better jumpy than need dumb luck like one Federal office building a few years ago. Guard noticed an unattended bag and put it in lost and found. A week later no one had claimed it. Someone made the decision to x-ray it and discovered it was a bomb that had turned out to be a dud.

  3. It's cool having a front row seat of us sliding into an out and out dystopia based upon fear of mass shootings. What a time to be alive.

  4. See something say something. I guess.

    These shootings have made everybody jumpy. Just like a car backfiring in Times Square caused mass panic.

    Just the sad state of society right now.
