
Aug 12, 2019

Social Security 2100 Act To Get A Vote In House This Year?

     Rachel Greszler, research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, believes that the House of Representatives will take up the Social Security 2100 Act this fall. That bill would assure Social Security financing through the year 2100 and would increase benefits. It would also     increase the FICA tax, particularly on high income individuals. She predicts it will pass the House easily. Here’s another right wing source predicting it will come up in the House very soon. Of course, with Mitch McConnell as the Majority Leader there’s no way the Senate will take it up.
     By the way, I haven’t seen even one source with even a marginal alignment with Democrats warning that there’s some political danger for Democrats in voting for this. As scared of their own shadow as Democrats often are, I think that tells you something about the politics of this bill.


  1. It'd make the most sense for Democrats to pass this through the House and bang the gong long and loud going into an election year about how McConnell and the GOP will not take it up in the Senate.

    So that's why the Dems won't do it.

  2. Another waste of time, another kick of the can. Glorious.

  3. Why exactly will McConnell or the Republicans not address this?

    The raising of the FICA tax seems like the simplest solution. Do not see how that would affect the bottom line of the top earners much if not at all.

    Obama had some grand plans to fix Social Security but really did nothing. For some reason, I thought a President would have to push this agenda to get it done.

    Hopefully, Kamala Harris will have a Senate to help her.

  4. @7:00

    They seem to have the first half down, passing lots of bills, but then they are pretty much silent on it once McConnell doesn't bring it to a vote.


    The choice is to raise taxes or let a government program implode. Not sure McConnell sees it as much of a choice.

  5. The Dems could probably get Trump to work with them on this. He would love to be the president that saved Social Security.

    But the Dems won't want to give him a win before the 2020 election, so this issue will be dealt with after 2021.

  6. This issue wont be dealt with until a few months before they actually have to start cutting benefits. Then they will throw together some kind of half thought through thing to get through and my taxes will go up and my retirement age will go up and it will remain that way until the next crisis. Rinse and repeat.
