
Sep 27, 2019

A Chair Covered In Borax?

     From USA Today:
A Wisconsin woman is accused of hiding her mother's corpse to live off her Social Security money. ...
Officers arrived at [the mother's] home last Wednesday to do a welfare check after a neighbor called police. "She knew the lady and didn't see her for some time," ...
Officers found a note taped on Ruby's home that said, "Ruby has gone out of town to visit some friends of ours. Paula." Inside, they found a chair covered in Borax, as well as boxes of ammonia and bleach.
Days later, Paula Bergold confessed to her mother's death and that her body was in the home. Bergold said she found her mother dead in a chair — the one later covered in Borax — and didn't call authorities because she was worried about her finances. She told police she was living off her mother's Social Security income and investment.
When the body began to smell, Bergold placed her mother's body inside the tub. ...


  1. Since the article does not detail the actual date of death, it is likely the body had start decomposing as well as muscles relaxing resulting in the corpse soiling itself.

    The fat probably started to break down and leaves a very greasy and oily mess. She probably used Borax to try and soak it up. It takes less than a week for this process to start.

  2. The article says that the mother was identified by the serial number on her pacemaker, so it had been quite a while.

  3. Maybe they can put the daughter's disability far enough back that she can get CDB benefits

  4. Pretty sure this woman will probably try for SSI/SSD once released. Sure she could claim some bizarre mental disorder for hiding a corpse.

    Was wondering what she will get for hiding a corpse, maybe 1-2 years tops.

    Assume they will not try to bring murder charges. Someone should have told her she would be eligible for early retirement SS when she was 62.
