
Sep 4, 2019

A Personal Milestone

     I want to mark a personal milestone. Forty years ago today, the day after Labor Day 1979, I hung out a shingle and entered the private practice of Social Security law. I knew something about Social Security law from having worked at the agency but I knew almost nothing about representing clients. There's an old joke about a visitor to New York City asking a person on the street how to get to Carnegie Hall and getting the answer  "practice, practice, practice." I thank my early clients for allowing me to "practice" on them.
     Ten years from now will it be 50 years in private practice for me? Not likely but I’m not ruling it out.


  1. Congratulations on 40 years in practice! I have followed your blog for years as part of my own practice and have found it to be a valuable source of information. While I understand retirement is approaching, I selfishly hope you have many years of practice ahead of you.

  2. Congrats! Thank you for all your efforts with this blog. I consider it required reading and checking in is part of my morning routine after reading/replying to e-mails. It'll be 25 years for me next year practicing Social Security disability law. While it does have its challenges, I do find the practice rewarding.

  3. Congrats! And thank you for sharing what you have learned during all that time with us here on your blog.

  4. Congratulations. Like many others, I consider your blog essential reading to keep me up to date with SSD issues. Thank you for your willingness to share your knowledge and for your efforts in maintaining this blog.

  5. Congrats Charles!

  6. Your blog has been a godsend to me. It's harder to go to conferences (which I love) now, so your blog connects me to others mulling over social security issues. Please don't retire!

  7. Congratulations! I am a SSD recipient (now it's regular Social Security) and have followed your blog for a number of years and appreciate the information. Keep on keeping on!

  8. Russ (the Social Security curmudgeon5:51 PM, September 05, 2019

    Congratulations, Charles! Even though I've been retired from the practice for about two years, I still read you blog almost every day. It makes me appreciate what former colleagues have to put up with in today's environment.

    When I began to do SSDI/SSI cases, I knew next to nothing. Your blog was a very valuable source of education for me.

    Still remaining as cynical as ever,

  9. Congrats!
    Thanks for writing this blog...
