
Oct 10, 2019

1.6% COLA

     It's official. Social Security's Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) will be 1.6%. It was 2.8% last year.


  1. Cue the complaints... in three...two... one...

  2. The economy is better than ever, it HUUUGELY overflowing with jobs and cash, America is great again...why would disabled/elderly people need more money? *EXTREME sarcasm*. It's almost offensive tho those on benefits. That's .41 cents a day for the base SSDI amount. That's not even a tank of gas per month. Why bother? Put the money towards operating costs, It'd be nice not to sit on hold for 2 hours. *BIG eye roll*. I guess those on benefits should be happy? Or offended? What kind of complaints are you looking for @8:57? The fact a lot of people barely can make their bills every month? Or the single mom with cancer that is struggling to feed her kids? Exactly what are you looking for complaint wise? I'd love to give ya what ya need.... unlike SSA.

  3. Can SSA or Congress please explain why my expenses have gone up roughly 10% this year alone, and how 1.6% is supposed to help? Of course not! members of Congress make about $179,000 per year and are mostly idiots!

  4. fees to use other needed government services will go up as a ressult of this "raise." I've unwillingly needed to be on disability since 1985. Ever time there is a Social Securityyearly raise, Medicare premiums go up, food stamp amount goes down, more co-pays need to be paid, subsidized rent help is reduced to where the most I've ever cleared after a "raise" is less than $10 a year at the most...

  5. 6:31 what are you talking about things going up "10%" that seems to be a flat out LIE!
