
Oct 16, 2019


     All I can say about this thread on the ALJ Discussion Forum (scroll down) is LOL! Take a look at my post that they think shows I must have paid someone at Social Security. The link is to something  the agency posted. All I did was go to the trouble of looking at what the agency posts.  
     I think the only thing I ever got from the ALJ Discussion Forum that I posted here was the bizarre story several years ago about Social Security telling ALJs to not report any work done in the last week of a fiscal year because it would mess up their stats. That one led to a Congressional hearing and considerable embarrassment to the agency but who would deny they had that coming?


  1. One thing they are correct about is that you get information on agency workings almost instantaneously. EVERYONE who practices SSA law should visit this blog daily. It has certainly helped me out.

  2. Charles, you should take that as a compliment as it shows how popular your board is with SSA employees including ALJs.

  3. No more outrageous than the number of people on this board that believe there is secret communications to ALJs to deny or the constant cries of "paid shill" for anyone that offers an opposing view here. You are laughing at the same actions you do. Now that is funny!

  4. Holding up disability determinations at the end of the fiscal year is a yearly practice at SSA. Every DDS in the country is required to hold up inputting completed disability determinations so as to not exceed their production goals. It is infuriating.
    Does something similar happen at other federal agencies? The presumed justification is that doing more work than you were budgeted to do could be used to support an argument for reducing your budget.

  5. 10:44 is absolutely correct . The mentality is lopsided . If you exceed processing goals it is interpreted as we gave you to much , let's say O/T . We will therefore give you less next FY . Why not GIVE more and GET more production. !!

  6. Anon 9:35 "No more outrageous than the number of people on this board that believe there is secret communications to ALJs to deny or the constant cries of "paid shill" for anyone that offers an opposing view here. You are laughing at the same actions you do. Now that is funny!"

    1. Hmmm. Not secret communications but simply stacking the deck based on the type of ALJs they hire.

    2. "You are laughing at the same actions you do." Are you implying some situation an attorney pays the ALJ like the Conn man? Charles Hall has demonstrated nothing like this.

  7. No determinations are made by DDS in the last week of the fiscal year unless it is a full week unless it is a full week. This is because any dispositions count for neither year. While each year no CDRs are done after the concessional mandate is reached we do do all the other types.

  8. The comment about Charles that "He has someone that SSA has hired and is reporting back. It's been going on for quite awhile....*Yawn*" certainly seems a bit libelous to me.

    These ALJs sure seem to be a sensitive bunch when their laundry is hung out for the public to see.

  9. 4:38 i certainly hope you are not a representative, your poor claimants deserve someone that can read.
