
Nov 16, 2019

Cue The Aggie Jokes

     From the Texas A&M student newspaper:
Texas A&M management senior Adriana Lopez received a scam call on Oct. 24 that ultimately led to her losing $10,000. Lopez said she hopes these events will show other students to be more cautious about who they give their information to.
Lopez said the beginning of this ordeal started with a person on the phone who claimed to work for Social Security whose phone number appeared to be the same as the Social Security Administration. This person said someone was buying drugs in Latin America using her name and Social Security number, and he threatened Lopez with time in jail if she did not do something to solve this problem. ...


  1. Is this for real? Hard to believe abd hard to feel sorry when something so obviously bogus worked. Sad comment on our education system...

  2. I wish SSA would clarify when they say SSA would not call you on the phone. Both SSA and DDS need to call often including when there has been an address change or non response so we're unable to contact by letter

  3. 36 plus years with SSA, Field, PSC, OHA and Regional. No one ever was told we do not call people. It would be impossible to conduct routine business let alone redeterminations, CDRs, etc.
