
Dec 18, 2019

Chrismas Eve Hearings To Be Rescheduled

     There were actually 175 Administrative Law Judge hearings scheduled for December 24 which surprises me. NOSSCR is reporting that those hearings will be rescheduled now that the agency will be shut down that day. 
     I think that scheduling hearings that day was asking for trouble.


  1. And 175 people will have to wait 6 months or more for a new hearing to be set all because Trump is trying to curry favor with federal workers by giving them the day off.

  2. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Had the day not been given off, we'd hear all about the wasted hearing opportunities. Just give them credit for planning to work on that day.

  3. At least one ALJ at my local OHO likes to schedule a bunch of unrepresented claimants for days right around holidays and then dismiss them when they don't show. Once he didn't realize a claimant was actually represented and when the rep and claimant showed up at 3:30pm the Friday before Labor Day he had the gall to postpone the case because he wasn't prepared and hadn't called a VE.

  4. Saul is probably hating this. He seems like some kind of old fashioned crack the whip kind of boss who thinks all employees are lazy. That being said. It's nice to give SSA employees the day off. They work hard.

    However, I believe the Saturday work day could be a good idea. Postal workers have to do it. It could cut the backlog down dramatically.

  5. @ 12:37 PM "It's nice to give SSA employees the day off. They work hard." And that is why that get paid, have benefits, and get leave as part of their contract. This extra day is simply a ploy by a President using the power of his office to hand out favors in the hope that it will result in goodwill toward him come November. He never does anything that isn't meant to benefit him in someway.
