
Dec 20, 2019

I Don't Know What To Make Of This

     I can track the top countries from which readers access this blog. Below is the list from yesterday. Notice one or more countries high on the list that surprise you? I've seen other days on which Ukraine, yes Ukraine, was listed as a country from which many have accessed this blog. I can also tell when people access the blog. Often there are a lot of hits in the middle of the night Eastern Time, like 4:00 a.m. I know that there are also quite a number of comments posted in the middle of the night.  It's hard for me to believe that it's all night owls.
  • United States 3440 
  • Brazil 2548 
  • Russia 125 
  • Unknown Region 103 
  • Finland 33 
  • Mexico 29 
  • Canada 20 
  • Portugal 18 
  • Puerto Rico 12 
  • France 7


  1. Obviously a deep state tactic.

    Merry Conspiracy!!!

  2. Who knows. Could be lots of paranoid types who worry you might be a honey pot turning over, e.g., IP info about posters to SSA brass and use VPN, proxies, TOR, etc. But yours is one of the biggest sources of news/commentary on things related to SSA. Sure, SSA isn't usually very politically or news-wise sexy, but it's a huge agency that touches lots of people and dollars, so it is very consequential nonetheless.

  3. Its probably insomniacs using your blog to help them fall back asleep.

  4. If it's 4AM our time it will be a daytime there.

  5. Lots of people go to websites based on keyword searches, and "social" and "security" would not be uncommon search terms. Also, many other countries, including Brazil, have programs called Social Security. So I would guess that your website is showing up in some keyword searches and people click on it to see if it has the kind of information they were looking for (for people in other countries, it probably often does not).

  6. I do wonder about the Russia hits. Possibly just what 7:15 said, but also possible that Russian Trolls are looking for places where they could push disinformation about Social Security for a partisan advantage and your site pops up in their search queries.

    But your reviewing posts before they can be published would likely be a sufficient block.

  7. While some of the post-midnight web use spikes may be ascribed to access from (far) outside your timezone, there may be another reason: robot webcrawl servers. That is, Google servers and their kin may crawl around the web, indexing websites at an hour when traffic is low to enable faster responses to get more work done.
