
Jan 12, 2020

Don’t Do The Crime If You Can’t Do The Time

     From the Palm Beach Post:
 A conservative media commentator who was crowned Mrs. Florida 2016 is headed to prison after a federal judge on Thursday said he wanted to send a message that if you steal from the U.S. government, you're going to jail. 
Unless Karyn Turk can convince an appeals court that she doesn't deserve to spend a month behind bars for stealing her elderly mother's Social Security checks instead of using the money to pay for nursing home care, the Highland Beach, Fla., resident must report to prison on March 2. ... 
Since pleading guilty in September to a misdemeanor charge of Social Security fraud, she has been attacked on social media, said her attorney David Tarras. 
Turk, who last year was named champion of the year by Best Buddies, a teen mentoring group, has lost her position on various philanthropic groups, he said. 
The damage to her reputation and her status in political, business and social circles has been enormous, he said. ... 
Without the ability to hob-nob in the community, travel to interview celebrities for YouTube broadcasts and to host fundraisers, like those she held for now convicted political operative Roger Stone, her career is dead, he said. 
"Her livelihood is based on networking and being a social media commentator," Tarras said. 
Besides, he argued, she came to court with a check for $46,000 to reimburse the government for the money she stole. That, he said, should be enough.
Reinhart [the judge] disagreed. While noting that Turk had lived an otherwise law-abiding life and done good works, he said her crime was a serious one. She shouldn't be able to "buy her way out of jail" by simply writing a check, he said. ...


  1. Wish I could read the inside version of what happened. Perhaps if her check included reimbursing the county and the court system for all the money they spent on her prosecution may have helped, not just the stolen money.

    Yes, it is true that being caught committing a crime should damage your reputation. Yes. That is a good thing. It is called deterrence. She should feel shame and pay the consequences. Stealing from your own mother? Double shame. Triple shame.

    Her poor mother. What kind of nursing care did she get as a poverty stricken senior and how come this didn't get caught sooner?

  2. Don't feel one bit sorry for her. She did the crime so she should do some time. Greedy, immoral, and selfish all the way around. Karma will catch up to her and she'll have a highter power to answer to as well.

  3. This woman is a beauty queen and a MAGA star. She supports Mr Donald A Trump with all her heart. OUR GREAT LEADER! She should be released immediately and given a show or at least an anchor position on the Fox News. The REAL NEWS not FAKE. I hope our dear leader, business mogul, wrestling promoter, TV star and of course BILLIONAIRE educator Donald S Trump pardons her very soon! God Bless you Karyn Turk! And of course God BLess the USA and Donald Trump. PS-- she would be a great replacement for that babe Hope Hicks who used to work for you POTUS! If you can't use her maybe Mr Pence can!

  4. Anonymous 7:25PM - are you for real? OMG, SMH.

  5. 10:02 I'm as real as can be! Sitten right here. Ticckle me I laugh. Pinch me I cry.
