
Jan 7, 2020

Social Security Fraud Pays For A Silver Bentley

     There are two stories today.
     First, Rowena Isabel Lokeni of Orange County, California has been sentenced to 15 months in prison. Lokeni had fraudently diverted $176,015 in Social Security benefits to herself while working for the Social Security Administration.
     Here's the second story, from FA Online:
On Youtube, the happy-go-lucky family that goes by the name B.E.A.M. Squad seems to have everything—1.3 million subscribers, a sprawling Palm Beach, Fla. home, exotic travel and a silver Bentley—but they also have a dark, criminal past: According to a 2019 plea deal with the Social Security Administration, they were indicted and arrested for multiple felonies which included stealing Social Security money and filing phony tax returns.
Losses to the SSA and the Internal Revenue Service totaled almost $94,000, court documents show.
Billy Altidor, 29, and Evanie (Eva) Louis, 27, admit that in 2014 and 2015, they stole Social Security benefits owed people old enough to be their grandparents, according to their plea deal. A third defendant is awaiting trial.
The defendants accessed, or attempted to access, My Social Security online accounts belonging to more than 1,400 people, prosecutors said. ...


  1. It is good to see that she is serving prison time - it ought to have been longer. This type of cretin gives all SSA employees a bad name.
