
Jan 17, 2020

Update On The Larson Bill

     From Politico:
... Rep. John Larson of Connecticut, a senior Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee, has a bill, H.R. 860 (116), that would hike Social Security benefits across the board, paired with tax increases in the neighborhood of $1 trillion over a decade. Larson has pushed for Ways and Means to mark up his measure and for the full House to take up the bill — so far unsuccessfully, despite the fact that the vast majority of House Democrats have signed on to the proposal.
Larson’s fellow Democrats are especially queasy about the impact that his measure’s hefty payroll tax increases would have on lower-income workers, which is one reason the measure — which would only be a messaging bill this year, because it stands little chance of getting much attention in the Senate — has stalled in recent months. 
Larson said Wednesday that he’s changing the bill in response to his colleagues’ concerns about lower-income workers. That includes employing the Earned Income Tax Credit to ensure that certain workers making $50,000 or less essentially won’t owe any payroll taxes and expanding the EITC eligibility for childless workers, as Ways and Means did in legislation last year. He added that he fully expects Ways and Means to consider the measure in the coming weeks. (It should be noted that Larson previously said he expected a markup to happen later in 2019.)  ...
     Larson has a tight focus on his bill. Is that somehow preventing him from scheduling traditional oversight hearings? I don't know why it would but I have no other explanation for the lack of oversight hearings. It's not like his bill has any chance of becoming law in this Congress.

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