
Mar 6, 2020


     CNN is asking why telework is being mostly eliminated at Social Security just as the Covid-19 virus is spreading.


  1. That is a GREAT question. Thing is, so many people even on this blog were so critical of employees fighting for telework back, that these cuts have gone unnoticed. The biggest changes happened in October, the changes going into effect this month are slim. I guarantee that delays over Christmas and early January are directly because of telework stoppages. Now, if a PC or an FO has a person test positive and the building is forced to close, what is going to happen? What if a city asks for self quarantine but SSA can’t telework and an employee brings the virus into a building full of elderly and disabled people? What if a CS gets it from a visitor, will that qualify for worker’s compensation or paid time off? The majority of SSA daily operations can be done remotely. However almost all of the front line employees in the FO, PSC and TSC are no longer eligible for telework. So if a closure happens for weather or building issues, everyone goes home on paid administrative leave. Before, everyone had to telework, so there was no major interruptions to a lot of service. Some things had to be delayed, but phone interviews, payment processing, attorney fee payouts etc could continue. That can’t happen now without telework. There are now confirmed cases in major cities with clusters of large SSA support staff(NYC, Seattle, Atlanta, and now cases in Maryland). What happens if public transit stops or schools close? People aren’t going to come to work. Telework provides continuity of serve and it needs to be given back to the field. 90 percent of my staff is teleworking today and business continues as usual. It needs to be the same for our front line employees. Check out the Federal News Network article released yesterday on SSA telework as well to see how deep the cuts are and how reluctant the commissioner is (who probably is teleworking) to reverse his decision.

  2. I’m literally sitting 3 cubicles over from someone who had a positive flu test 2 days ago but is at work because “there are deadlines to submit these reports to the Center Director by Friday.” This person used to telework Thursday and Friday and would have been at home working but instead is here exposing all of us. She will telework Monday because of the generous one day a pay period policy but now who knows who else might be sick because she is here. Her rationale was “I need to get this stuff done, plus I need to save my leave in case we have a quarantine for Coronavirus” (there are active cases in the county our building is located in).

  3. 10:16 said "Check out the Federal News Network article released yesterday on SSA telework..."

    It's here:

  4. It’s madness. I know employees whose telework was cut that have decided to use all their sick and annual leave as well as requesting leave without pay to avoid coming in for fear of catching Corona. Before the cuts, they were teleworking three days a week. Another was doing that in combination with ten four.

    The agency is going backwards and people are retiring or jumping ship in droves. Personally I have an interview with another agency next week. Guess what got me to apply? They offer several days a week telework...

    The private sector is embracing telework.

    I guess Saul is doing what he was appointed to do, destroy SSA from the inside. Then they can trumpet how SSA needs to be handed over to the private sector.

  5. The President says some people with Covid-19 go to work and they get well. What he doesn't say is that the person's co-workers get sick.

    I have a feeling that the telework policy will be changed due to temporary emergency but only if and when the situation makes it absolutely necessary. At this time, to do otherwise and even to discuss it would go against Administration policy that all is well and not to worry.

  6. Better Call Saul!

  7. Commissioner Saul simply must admit that he made a terrible mistake, and reinstate telework. People's lives are in danger now.
    If he will not act, Congress and the President should remove him from his position immediately due to gross malfeasance and incompetence.
    Time is of the essence now, telework should be resumed to past levels immediately, to reestablish the telework logistics and infrastructure. The Social Security Administration should get ready to telework 5 days per week as may well be necessary.
    The Email Saul sent out this week telling employees to wash our hands, and not even mentioning telework, was simply laughable. .

    1. Guidance was being sent out yesterday about approving temporary telework for people who are under quarantine for covid-19. I assume this is national and will probably be more widely publicized next week.

  8. 2 trains of thought - of course telework is a great solution to the coronavirus outbreak/scare/panic? They at least could republish their existing guidance on telework when inclimate weather is forecast to close an office. But the administration is minimizing the threat so it is politically better not rock the boat - the Commish may be one SCOTUS decision away from being terminated at will.

  9. the 2 issues are not related. TW was reduced in an effort to improve public service...something most taxpayers agree is a good idea.

    People affected by coronavirus will be allowed to TW during the duration of any infection.

  10. Lol @ 10:16.

    It's always obvious when a Saul bootlicker posts.

    Reducing telework in no way, shape, or form improves customer service. The facts, unlike Saul's idiotic narrative, bear this out.

  11. If people are "affected" by the corona virus before they are sent home to telework they have spread the disease you bloody idiot. China, Italy, Iran are disasters. We are setting ourselves up to be the premier shit show and I don't mean The Apprentice.

  12. @7:01 Exactly. FOs should be closed to the public at least through April. As things stand close to 100% of FO staff will inevitably be exposed.

  13. If Saul had put resources into telework to expand it and make it more effective, FO staff could have been protected during this crisis. Instead the FO are now at great risk now due to Saul's foolish decisions on telework. Of those who completely lost their telework,. FO staff will be the first to be exposed to coronavirus then the payment centers and the tele service employees.

  14. Yes, what do you think is going to happen once the first frontline SSA employee is diagnosed and it is proven that he or she has infected the vulnerable populations (elderly and disabled) that we service?

    Saul is a moron and there will be plenty of blood on his hands once all is said and done.

    Thankfully Biden is going to crush Trump in November. Saul will resign to “spend more time with his family” by Inauguration Day. I look forward to Nancy resuming her duties as ACOSS.

  15. The agency needs to close the field offices to the public temporarily. All business needs to be conducted via the phone and internet. Proofs and documents can be mailed or dropped off in the office drop boxes. This will keep fo employees safe from the general public. HQ, RO, TSC etc need to be mandated to telework before anyone in one of those large concentrated buildings gets sick and spreads it around to other employees. Being proactive won’t hurt anyone. We can keep working in the field and the other components can still provide support remotely. Private industry is already taking these steps, SSA should too.

    1. Unfortunately Saul takes his orders from his moronic college buddy residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

      Prediction: The FOs will never close, no matter how bad this gets. Saul and aforementioned idiot college buddy will have a lot of blood on their hands when all is said and done.

  16. So...there is speculation that there will be an announcement that FOs will close nationwide effective Monday, 3/17. I know that upper MGMT was in day long, unplanned meetings today. Can anyone confirm the veracity of this rumor?
