
Apr 26, 2020

Field Office Closures Hurt

     From WWLP:
Fred Hall told Border Report he walked more than 14 blocks to get to the Social Security Administration office in Downtown San Diego trying to take care of “important Social Security business.” 
When he finally got there, he was turned away by a locked door adding to his frustrations of trying to get a hold of someone inside. ... 
“My phone is dead, I can’t get a phone to report that my phone is dead, I can’t go to the library to use the internet because the library is closed, the senior centers are closed, I just can’t get any help,” Hall said. ... 
It appears seniors like Hall, have become victims of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. While talking to him, at least two other senior citizens walked up to the office without getting inside or finding anyone to help them. ...


  1. Field offices being open during this pandemic would hurt even more, as they are vectors for disease. Most of our visitors are either elderly or have underlying conditions.

  2. Please explain "his phone is dead." Does he need to add money to his phone? Does he need to recharge the battery?

  3. They have stay at home orders across the country too dangerous to go out ssa business will have to be put on hold

  4. Partial solution: put signs on field offices saying "Office closed due to covid-19. Please contact us by visiting [website], calling us at [number] or mailing your inquiry to [mailing address]. I know SSA is still accepting mail.

  5. Many people would have died if the field offices had remained open.
    They should stay closed.

  6. All offices are still taking phone calls, processing mail and faxes. Outgoing mail is still outgoing. UPS is still dropping off and picking up as needed.

    My state has an order to wear masks in public places and our lobbies are a public place. Unclear when we re-open if we will have masks available to hand out if you don't bring one.

  7. Three aging Boomers, ill informed, show up at a closed place. This is news.

    1. It is unfortunate. However why only misinformed baby boomers? I've seen people of all ages. I hope that you don't work for SSA.

  8. @5:35

    it is standard operating procedure to put signs up when the offices close, even temporarily. Signs have been up saying this since the offices were shuttered.
