
May 30, 2020

More Flexibility For Worker Hours

     From Government Executive:
Officials at the Social Security Administration told employees Friday that beginning on June 1, some workers will be allowed to perform their duties outside normal business hours in an effort to help employees juggle work and family obligations. 
The move comes after two months of pressure by federal employee unions, who have urged the agency to provide a “maxiflex” telework schedule so that workers with dependent care obligations can perform their duties without burning through their annual leave. As previously reported by Government Executive, the agency's restrictive telework and leave policies have been a source of deep frustration for many workers.  
The exact hours during which employees can work vary by agency subcomponent, and the more flexible schedules are only available to employees with coronavirus-related care issues, such as caring for children or elderly family members. Prior to June 1, employees have only been able to work within the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. ...


  1. My concern is that this will be expanded to far in the future beyond Corona issues once the pandemic subsided. Employees have to learn to adjust their priorities and not earn and burn leave. I had care issues and retired with thousands of sick leave hours

  2. @11:34. Valid point. My concern is that folks will take advantage of it just like so many folks seemingly inappropriately use telework privileges.

  3. 1134 and 348 I think you are both petty, meanspirited people who think everyone has the same resources you do. If you had a care issue and retired with thousands of hours of leave, then your care issue must not have been that significant, you had lots of help or you were a manager who was able to work loads of credit hours for non-workload work; or the issue happened early in your career. Really, what business is it of yours how people use their leave. Worry about your own problems and stop trying to make the life/work balance difficult for others. It must suck to be you.

  4. Yeah, the old I didn't have these and I made it work mindset. You'd think people would remember what life was like balancing work when schools were open predictable hours, and day care was available etc. But no, first reaction is I didn't need it, so why? and to worry about people misusing their work setups. Might be stupid to earn and burn leave, but if it's not prohibited and the leave request is approvable, why do you care? Geeze, 6"26 had it right. Glad the first poster is retired, likely a PITA to have worked with or for.

  5. If someone is taking action to input an award or a post adjudicative action what difference does it make if they complete their action at 3:00 pm or 3:00 AM. For most actions at SSA payment centers it makes no difference. Let worker have flexibility.
    And 3:48 you should be grateful SSA employees are getting work done at home during this pandemic not bitter because they can work at home. Grow up and get with the times.

  6. While there are those clutching their pearls at the thought of expanding work hours, I don't think the judges will be holding Night Court any time real soon.

    Managers are afraid they'll be assigned to cover those working very early or very late. The most independent and competent employees just want to work in peace.

  7. @1:25 am. The most independent and competent just want to work in peace? Managers???????

  8. Hopefully, at some point, the agency does go more online and to teleworking, it can hire talented and motivated workers that aren't limited geographically. This would provide more flexibility in serving the public and taking care of family needs. Think of the possibilities if your co-worker is in Florida and you are in Alaska. Also, the retention of employees might be improved for some rural offices.{And better educated ones).

  9. @6:26. Not mean spirited at all. My comment is simply that folks will abuse it to the detriment of all.

    1. Why are you so convinced that people will "abuse it to the detriment of all?" Where is your evidence? Why do you have such a low opinion of the SSA workforce?

  10. @11:34 AM: Why are you concerned by the prospect that this slight increase in flexibility might continue beyond the pandemic? And wouldn't continuing this flexibility help alleviate your concern about employees "earn[ing] and burn[ing] leave?

    @3:48 PM: Can you give any actual examples of how SSA employees have been "inappropriately us[ing] telework privileges?"

    It never ceases to amaze me how embittered folks get when someone in tough circumstances catches a tiny little break once in a blue moon.

  11. The timing of this is no accident. These changes were needed for the past 2.5 months but now that a majority of the country is reopening and there are more childcare options they suddenly approve the expanded flex band? And don’t get me started on the delay in rolling out the covid sick leave!

  12. In my experience, those who abuse telework are just as unproductive when they are physically in the office. There are always a few...

  13. I am a little confused how employees will abuse the system. Isn't there a way to track their work during the day? What is great about telework is it is more task based. You just need to get the work done. No more just sitting at an office.

  14. The tools that management has to monitor employees are inadequate. There are good tools like Time Doctor, Hubstaff, etc but they can't be used. Being allowed to monitor Skype chat, web-surfing, not returning phone calls etc is what is needed. Better medical documentation is also needed. If private sector can do it why can't SSA.
