
Jun 17, 2020

Looking For A New Path Forward

     From a Request For Information (RFI) posted by the Social Security Administration:
... The Social Security Administration’s Digital Identity team is issuing this RFI. The information obtained because of this RFI will be used to create a Market Assessment Report, which may inform budget and acquisition decisions for the agency.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) Office of Systems is researching a solution for managing all aspects of Identity Credential and Access Management (ICAM) for external users that is separate and apart from anything we have in production today; the potential end goal is to replace the existing external ICAM platform(s) currently in use at SSA. ...

     What they're talking here about here is how the public logs on to their Social Security portals (my Social Security) to transact business, such as changing bank account information. I can guess that the agency needs to address at least two problems. First, what they're using now hasn't been completely successful in preventing fraud. Second, Social Security would like to encourage members of the public to do more business with the agency online. Perhaps easier login would help. Obviously, there may be tension between these two goals. In any case, they're clearly not happy with what they have now which is based upon credit information.

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