
Jul 5, 2020

A Social Security Payment Center In The Olden Days


  1. I think some of those folks still work there and are forced to use the same equipment.

  2. In the forefront is one of the new IBM Selectric typewriters recently added to the Payment Center to expedite payments to representatives. The quality of the carbon paper also was upgraded a few months ago.

  3. If Dan Rather would have used a typewriter instead of a computer program with a font that hadn't been invented at the time of the "letter," he wouldn't have gotten fired for framing GW Bush.

  4. "Currently, VA is considering implementing similar technological upgrades."

  5. picture circa 2017

  6. Wonder if the SSA was as diverse as in this photo. Also wonder what the pay discrepancy was between females and male people of color and their white male counterparts.


  7. I've been at a PC since 1979. I can remember the big computer tapes (I had to deliver them), punchcards, and typewriters. Maybe this picture is circa 1980, not as far back as you may imagine.

  8. Note the ties and jackets for the men and the business suit for the lone woman. I wore a tie every day when I started with Social Security in 1978 and would not have imagined not doing so.

  9. You mean you never walked in on a coworker or employee practicing yoga wearing questionable pants? We are the OK Boomers I guess.
