
Jul 31, 2020

I Don't Know What's Going On

     There have been a number of strange comments that one or more people have tried to post here. I haven't allowed them to post but, still, I think readers may find them of interest so I've posted them below. The ones below are just from today. I think you'll understand why I didn't allow them to post normally. Some of these could just be awkwardly phrased but others seem to be coming from one or more people who barely speak English. Many of these come in bursts of two or three comments at a time, some of them the identical comment sent in response to different posts that I had made.


  1. Thought Trump only used Twitter. Sounds like he is coming on this blog.

  2. I agree this has to be Trump or Donny Jr. infecting your page with a word virus. The comments are grammatically odd and poorly structured. Again, that sounds like either Trump, Jr., Texan Louie Gohmert (but he's sick), or Gym Jordan of Ohio.

  3. Otto von Trump? That's a new one.

  4. The cowardly lions and oddballs should not be granted safe harbor willy nilly.

  5. The third comment is witty and grammatically correct. Let it through!

  6. I agree with 12:31. It's a good comment. Release it from comment prison!

    It's similar to my various comments on the grandeur of the unitary executive and the need for the unfettered power of the president to do what he wishes with all employees of the executive branch of government.

  7. Yes release it. Maybe he will delay the election to become an emperor.

  8. And this my friends is what we have to deal with daily. Just trying to decipher what it is a person wants or needs is chore in of itself! You ever go on SSA Facebook page? Check out the visitor comments when you have a minute or want to laugh or be extremely puzzled!

  9. Got to be a paid conspiracy, probably backed by the COSS himself.
