
Jul 6, 2020

OHO Receipts Starting To Level Off

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  1. AlJ productivity dropped to 1.40. I wonder why?

  2. 12:10: Mine has dropped because, due to the corona virus, I am holding far fewer hearings. A solid two and half weeks of my hearings in March were cancelled. Claimants are declining phone hearings. Some claimants simply can't be reached. We have been unable to move paper cases and unable to dispose of unfavorable CDRs and age 18 redets. We are not getting the abandonment dismissals we would normally get. And, yes, I am scouring the DART reports for possible OTRS.

  3. Could downsizing of ALJ's be in the near future? Time will tell but perhaps many ALJ's will decide to retire and thus avoid a mandated downsizing.

  4. This program will be needed more than ever in the very near future. I know that every crisis is an opportunity for destruction by the Trumpist right, but why don't we hold our horses for a while. This has been the week for attacking ALJ's so far. Some real nice trial balloons being put up.

  5. The ALJs will likely be dealing with a massive number of cessations that DDSs have had on hold
